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High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual

High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual. G. Randy Slone

High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual

ISBN: 0071341196,9780071341196 | 497 pages | 13 Mb

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High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual G. Randy Slone
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics

Randy Stone This book is the definitive guide to building and designing your own high-power amplifier unit. High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual $25.72. Design and build awesome audio amps. I have been interested in building my own high quality power amplifier for some time, and am pleased that a book of this nature is available. I am enjoying this book greatly! High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual List Price: $36.95 List Price: $36.95 Your Price: $19.73- Design and build awesome audio amps. Randy High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual (McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-134119-6, New York, 1999). High Power Audio Amplifier Costruction Manual 50 To 500 Watt. This project is develop from the MOSFET Power amplifier 100W that posted which it take to use in many activity such as Guitar amp,Mic,or Home theater and you will be to apply it. High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual $17.12. Recommended even higher is his website that is just chock-full of wonderful stuff. Knizky pre zaujemcov o audio amp. High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual. High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual Step-by-step instruction from the High-Power audio Amplifier Construction Manual. High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual by G. Amateur and professional audiophiles alike can now design and construct superior quality amplifiers at a fraction of comparable retail prices with step-by-step instruction from the High-Power audio Amplifier Construction Manual. 200W Audio Amplifier with Mosfet BUZ905P-BUZ900P.